


[HT-01] ホットトピックス01
Front line of neuromodulation by non-invasive brain stimulation - from basic to clinical

2020年8月31日(月) 10:30 〜 12:00 第01会場 (岡山コンベンションセンター 4F 405会議室)

座長:寺尾 安生(杏林大学医学部 病態生理学教室),花島 律子(鳥取大学医学部脳神経医科学講座脳神経内科学分野)

[HT-01-4] 神経インターフェイスで損傷神経経路をバイパスする

西村 幸男 (東京都医学総合研究所脳機能再建プロジェクト)

Non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS), being safe to implement without much burden to the patients, has now come to be used world-wide as measures for treating patients with various psychiatric and neurological disorders and for the functional intervention in patients undergoing rehabilitation. In this symposium, cutting-edge researches will be presented on the basic mechanisms of NIBS as a method for neuromodulation and its clinical application.

Yukio Nishimura, PhD is a Project Leader in Neural Prosthetics Project, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science from April in 2017. He received his B.S. in Sports Science from Nihon University, and his M.S. in Education from Yokohama National University. He completed his PhD in Neurophysiology, Chiba University in 1993. Thereafter he received post-doctoral training in National Institute for Physiological Science in Japan from 2003 and then the University of Washington in US from 2007. He came to National Institute for Physiological Science in 2011, then to Kyoto University in 2016 as Associate Professor. His overall research has concerned the neural control of limb movements in human and non-human primates. His present research is focused on neural mechanisms of functional recovery after neural damage and restoring lost function via brain computer interface.

