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Hot Topics

[HT-03] Hot Topics 03
Dawn of new era: management of migraine headache

Mon. Aug 31, 2020 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Room 1 (OKAYAMA CONVENTION CENTER 4F 405)

Chair:KoichiHirata(Department of Neurology, Dokkyo Medical University),YasuoTerayama(Neurological Institute, Shonan Keiiku Hospital)

[HT-03-1] Current migraine management

Hisaka Igarashi (Headache Unit, Department of Internal Medicine, Fujitsu Clinic, Japan)

Although triptans and some prophylactic medications are currently available, some unmet needs of migraine managements remain to be resolved. Now some lineup of new molecules, devices and methods are developing to be served for practical clinical settings. This symposium will review the new lineups by top headache experts.

Headache Specialist, Headache Unit, Department of Internal Medicine, Fujitsu Clinic
Visiting Professor, Kitasato University

Hisaka Igarashi, MD, PhD is a director of the Japanese Headache Society (JHS), a board certified fellow and a board certified trainer for JHS, and a board certified trainer for the Japanese Society of Neurology (JSN).

Dr. Igarashi received her medical degree from Kitasato University in 1979 and continued her training in the Department of Neurology. She received her PhD from Kitasato University in 1989.
Her special research interests focus on migraine and cluster headache. She undertook the nationwide survey of migraine in Japan with Prof. Sakai.
She is working as a headache specialist at Fujitu Clinic and a certified occupational physician at Fujitsu Limited and educates employees and medical staff about headache.

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