


[S-46] シンポジウム46
脳小血管病 up-to-date

2020年9月2日(水) 09:00 〜 10:30 第06会場 (岡山コンベンションセンター 2F レセプションホール)

座長:北川 一夫(東京女子医科大学脳神経内科学),山下 徹(岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科脳神経内科学)

[S-46-3] 脳小血管病における神経心理学的解析

吉澤 浩志, 関 美沙, 北川 一夫 (東京女子医科大学 脳神経内科)

Cerebral small vessel disease is associated with many symptoms such as stroke, dementia, Parkinsonism and mood disorder, however, its pathological mechanism has not been fully elucidated. We introduce the latest topics of cerebral small vessel disease, an important target for neurologists.

Hiroshi Yoshizawa is Assistant Professor of Neurology at Tokyo Women’s Medical University (TWMU), Tokyo, Japan. He qualified MD and PhD after graduation of Kanazawa University in 1992. He is a member and a councilor fellow of the Japanese Society of Neurology, Japanese Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, Japanese Society for Higher Brain Dysfunction, and Neuropsychology Association of Japan. His research history includes neuropsychology of dementia, cognitive reserve of normal aging, and neuroimaging.

