


[S-08] シンポジウム08 RBD as a harbinger of synucleinopathy: update

2021年5月19日(水) 14:15 〜 16:15 第5会場 (国立京都国際会館 2F Room B-1)

座長:宮本 智之(獨協医科大学埼玉医療センター脳神経内科),鈴木 圭輔(獨協医科大学病院脳神経内科)

REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is a parasomnia, characterized by dream-enacting behavior during REM sleep and the polysomnographic findings of REM sleep without atonia. Increasing evidence suggests RBD is a specific prodromal marker for synucleinopathy. In this symposium, discussing updated information on RBD from clinical and basic aspects will provide signficant implication for future disease modifying therapy targeting syncleinopathy.