


[S-28] シンポジウム28 Novel therapeutic strategies against ischemic stroke from the perspective of neuro-glial-vascular unit

2021年5月21日(金) 08:00 〜 09:30 第6会場 (国立京都国際会館 2F Room B-2)

座長:眞木 崇州(京都大学医学部附属病院神経内科),金澤 雅人(新潟大学脳研究所臨床科学部門脳神経内科学分野)

Recent progress about stroke research has been revealing that cell-cell interactions among various cell types in the brain contribute to the pathology of cerebral infarction. However, detailed pathomechanisms remain unclear, and there is currently no treatment that can comprehensively improve the "neuro-glial-vascular unit" in cerebral infarction. The purpose of this symposium is to summarize and discuss the findings of each researcher from the perspective of elucidating the dynamics of the "neuro-glial-vascular unit" in cerebral infarction and its therapeutic application. Although thrombectomy and thrombolysis has advanced in the hyperacute phase of ischemic stroke, its indication is limited, and there is an urgent need to develop new therapeutic approaches for the post-acute phase of ischemic stroke. This symposium will provide us with hints on how to develop new therapeutic strategies against ischemic stroke.