○Atsushi Takeda1,2 (1.Department of Neurology, National Hospital Organization Sendai-Nishitaga Hospital, Japan, 2.Department of motor and cognitive aging, Tohoku university graduate school of medicine, Japan)
Session information
[S-40] Symposium 40 Dyskinesia in Parkinson's Disease: Filling the Bedside-to-Bench Gap
Sat. May 22, 2021 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Room 04 (ICC Kyoto 2F Room A)
Chair:Tomiyama Masahiko(Department of Neurology, Hirosaki University Graduate School of Medicine),Yamakado Hodaka(Kyoto University Hospital)
Participants should be better able to:(1) review the clinical aspects of dyskinesias in Parkinson’s disease. (2) know changes of basal ganglia cirduit functions in hyperkinetic disorders. (3)become well-informed on evidence that dyskinesias relate to pathogogical maladaptive changes in basal ganglia. (4).evaluate the mechanisms by which glutamate and serotonin receptors can modulate an altered dopamine signaling in dyskinesias and refer to implication for drug treatment.
○Yoshikazu Ugawa (Department of Human Neurophysiology, Japan)
○Haruo Nishijima (Department of Neurology, Hirosaki University Hospital, Japan)
○M. Angela Cenci1,2 (1.Lund University, Dept. Experimental Medical Science, Basal Ganglia Pathophysiology, Lund (Sweden), Sweden, 2.Wallenberg Neuroscience Centre, Sweden)