Presentation information

Neuroscience Frontier Symposium

[NFS-05] Neuroscience Frontier Symposium 05 Motor neuron disease: revisiting the roles of RNA binding proteins and RNA metabolism in neurodegeneration

Sat. May 22, 2021 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Room 05 (ICC Kyoto 2F Room B-1)

Chair:Urushitani Makoto(Department of Neurology, Shiga University of Medical Science),Ishigaki Shinsuke(Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine)

[NFS-05-1] Expanding mechanisms and therapeutic targets for ALS

Aaron D. Gitler (Department of Genetics, Stanford University, USA)

Aaron D. Gitler, PhD is The Stanford Medicine Basic Science Professor in the Department of Genetics at Stanford University. He received his B.S. degree from Penn State University and did his PhD studies on cardiovascular development in the laboratory of Dr. Jonathan Epstein at the University of Pennsylvania. Then he performed his postdoctoral training with Dr. Susan Lindquist at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research and MIT. In 2007, he established his laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania and moved to Stanford in 2012. His laboratory has been using a combination of yeast and human genetics approaches to investigate pathogenic mechanisms of ALS and FTD.

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