[NFS-05-3] TDP-43はリボソーム蛋白質mRNAを神経軸索に輸送して局所での翻訳機能を制御する

1992 MD, Osaka University School of Medicine
1992 Resident, Osaka University Hospital
1993 Department of Neurology, Kansai Rosai Hospital
1995 Department of Neurology, Osaka Kosei-Nenkin Hospital
2000 PhD, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
2000 Staff, Osaka University Hospital
2001 Research Fellow, Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School, USA
2003 Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
2010 Section Chief, Department of Peripheral Nervous System Research, National Institute of Neuroscience, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry
2016 Lecturer, Department of Neurology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
2018 Associate Professor, Department of Neurology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
2021 Professor, Department of Neurotherapeutics, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine