[Pj-23-5] An Observational Study in the Long-Term Use of Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) for SBMA
Dr.Takashi Nakajima, MD, Ph.D., is a Neurologist and the Director of the National Hospital Organization Niigata National Hospital. He graduated from Niigata Univ. School of Medicine (1983). He became a resident and a research fellow of the Brain Research Institute, Niigata Univ. (1983-1984), and he completed the Ph.D. program of Niigata Univ. (1985-1991). He joined the National Institute of Mental Health, NIH (USA) as a Fogarty Fellow (1987-1989). He was an expert member of the Pharmaceutical, Medical Device and Food Committee, MHLW (2001-2004). Since 2004, he has been a guest lecturer of the Brain Research Institute, Niigata Univ., and a specialist of PMDA. His main research areas are Neurology, Neuro-rehabilitation, PRO, and Clinical Trial Design. He is a member of various medical societies, including the Japanese Society of Neurology (Specialist, Instructor), the Japan Society for Dementia Research (Specialist), and the Japanese Society for Genetic Counselling (Specialist).
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