Presentation information


[S-03] Symposium 03 Selective vulnerability of alpha-synuclein-related neurodegeneration -beyond proteinopathy and propagation-

Wed. May 19, 2021 9:50 AM - 11:50 AM Room 06 (ICC Kyoto 2F Room B-2)

Chair:Surmeier D. James(Department of Physiology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, IL),Uchihara Toshiki(Nitobe Memorial Nakano General Hospital, Neurology Clinic with Neuromorphomics Laboratory)

[S-03-1] Hyperbranching axon as a structural template for Parkinson disease and aging

Toshiki Uchihara1,2 (1.Neurology Clinic with Neuromorphomics Laboratory, Nitobe-Memorial Nakano General Hospital, Japan, 2.Department of Neurology and Neurological Science, Tokyo Medical and Dental University.Tokyo, Japan)

1976-1982 Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ. (MD)
1982-1988 Clinical training in Internal Medicine and Neurology
Okinawa Chubu Hosp, Musashino Red Cross Hosp, Asahi General Hosp
1988-1990 Trainee of Neuropathology, Tokyo Inst Psychiatry
1990-1997 Staff Neurologist, Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ
1994-1996 Neuropathologie, Hôpital de la Salpêterière as a
“boursier du gouvernement français”
1997-2011 PI: Neuropathology, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Neuroscience
2011-2018 Chief: Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science
2018- Chief, Clinical Neurology with Neuromorphomics laboratory,
Nitobe Memorial Nakano General Hospital
2018-Research Professor, Neurology and Neurological Science,
Tokyo Medical and Dental University,

Certification: Neurology (Japanese Society of Neurology)
Internal Medicine (Japanese Society of Internal Medicine)

Editorial Board:
Acta Neuropathol (2005-)
Acta Neuropathol Communications (2013-2017)
Neuropathology (2010-), Free Neuropathology (2019)

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