Presentation information


[S-03] Symposium 03 Selective vulnerability of alpha-synuclein-related neurodegeneration -beyond proteinopathy and propagation-

Wed. May 19, 2021 9:50 AM - 11:50 AM Room 06 (ICC Kyoto 2F Room B-2)

Chair:Surmeier D. James(Department of Physiology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, IL),Uchihara Toshiki(Nitobe Memorial Nakano General Hospital, Neurology Clinic with Neuromorphomics Laboratory)

[S-03-4] Complex interplay between alpha-synuclein and selective autophagy

Ana Maria Cuervo (Institute for Aging Studies, Albert Einstein College of Medicine NY, USA)

Dr. Ana Maria Cuervo obtained her M.D. and Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular biology from the University of Valencia (Spain) i and received postdoctoral training at Tufts University in Boston. In 2002, she started her laboratory at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, where she is now co-director of the Institute for Aging Research.

She is a recognized leader in the field of protein degradation and the biology of aging for her work on the impact of autophagy on aging and age-related disorders, with emphasis in neurodegeneration.

Dr. Cuervo has been the recipient of prestigious awards, including the P. Benson Award in Cell Biology, the Keith Porter, the Nathan Shock , the Vincent Cristofalo, the Bennett J. Cohen in Aging Biology, the Marshall Horwitz Prize, and the Saul Korey Prize in Translational Medicine. Dr. Cuervo has delivered prominent lectures such as the Robert R. Konh, the NIH Director’s, the Roy Walford, the Feodor Lynen, the Margaret Pittman, the SEBBM L’Oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science or the Harvey Lecture..

Dr. Cuervo is elected member of the Valencian Royal Academy of Medicine , the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences.

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