


[S-13] シンポジウム13 Will new migraine medications save migraine patients?

2021年5月20日(木) 08:00 〜 09:30 第4会場 (国立京都国際会館 2F Room A)

座長:五十嵐 久佳(富士通クリニック内科(頭痛外来)),髙橋 牧郎(日本赤十字社 大阪赤十字病院 脳神経内科)


[S-13-2] Will new migraine medications save migraine patients?

Patricia Pozo-Rosich (Headache Unit & Research Group, Vall Hebron University Hospital & Vall Hebron Insitute of Research (VHIR))

Patricia Pozo-Rosich MD PhD, is a specialist in Neurology. She is in charge of the Headache and Craniofacial Pain Clinical Unit at the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona, Spain; and the Principal Investigator of the Headache Research Group at VHIR, which belongs to the Universitat Autonoma of Barcelona (UAB).

She is a member of the Board of Trustees of the International Headache Society, the European Headache Federation Council and the Scientific Advisory Board of the Fundación Lilly Spain and the Migraine Research Foundation.

She is the Editor for Headache for Revista de Neurologia, an Associate Editor of Cephalalgia, Headache, Neurologia, Frontiers in Neurology and a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of The Journal of Headache and Pain.

Dr. Pozo-Rosich’s research focuses on better understanding the pathophysiology of migraine from a multidisciplinary approach using genetics, neuroimaging and electrophysiology. She has been awarded research grants from the la Caixa Foundation, ISCIII, ERANet Neuron, PERIS grant, FEDER, la Marató TV3 Foundation, AGAUR, Mutual Medica and, the Migraine Research Foundation.

She educates to improve the quality of life of patients suffering from headache and helping reduce the stigma of migraine. She is the founder of www.midolordecabeza.org.

