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[1O05a2] Decision Making

Thu. Jun 30, 2022 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Room 5 (Conference Building B2 (Okinawa Convention Center))

Chair: Yuichi Takeuchi

[1O05a2-02] Updates of the Expected Cost of Mental Effort Would Need Actual Effort Exertion and Adaptive Learning of Mental Effort Cost Would Not Follow Temporal-Difference Learning

*Asako Mitsuto Nagase1,2,3,4, Keiichi Onoda4,6, Kenji Morita3,5, Toshikazu Kawagoe7, Shuhei Yamaguchi4,8, Ritsuko Hanajima2, Rei Akaishi9 (1. JSPS Research Fellow-PD, 2. Dept Brain and Neurosci, Tottori Univ, 3. Dept of Physical and Health Education, Grad Sch of Education, Univ of Tokyo, 4. Dept Neurol, Shimane Univ, 5. WPI-IRCN, Univ of Tokyo, 6. Faculty of Psychology, Otemon Gakuin Univ, 7. Liberal Arts Edu Center, Tokai Univ, 8. Shimane Hospital Bureau, 9. Center for Brain Science, RIKEN)

Keywords:mental effort, frontal cortex, striatum, decision making and learning

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