Presentation information


[1P] A. Neural Excitability, Synapses, and Glia: Cellular Mechanisms

Thu. Jun 30, 2022 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Poster Session Hall 1 (Exhibition Hall (Okinawa Convention Center))

[1P-013] The effect of Reelin on the lipid composition of neuronal plasma membrane

*Yuto Takekoshi1, Hugo Ando1, Takao Kohno1, Makoto Arita2,3, Mitsuharu Hattori1 (1. Nagoya City Univ. Faculty of Pharmaceutical science, Nagoya, Japan, 2. Keio Univ. Faculty of Pharmacy, Tokyo, Japan, 3. RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences, Yokohama, Japan )

Keywords:Reelin, neuron, sphingomyelin

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