Presentation information


[1P] B. Development, Regeneration and Plasticity

Thu. Jun 30, 2022 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Poster Session Hall 1 (Exhibition Hall (Okinawa Convention Center))

[1P-021] The functional role of aPKCλ in the retinal lamination and cell fate determination

*Rin Sawada1, Yusuke Inoue2, Yuki Nishimura1, Chiseto Maezima1, Yui Akiba1, Kazunori Akimoto3, Shigeo Ono4, Chieko Koike1,5 (1. Col Pharm Sci, Ritsumeikan Univ, Shiga, Japan, 2. Grad Sch Pharm, Ritsumeikan Univ, Shiga, Japan, 3. Faculty Pharm Sci, Tokyo Univ of Sci, Tokyo, Japan, 4. Lab Cancer Biol, Res Inst for Diseases of Old Age, Grad Sch Med, Juntendo Univ, Tokyo, Japan, 5. Ctr Syst Vision Sci, Res Org Sci Tech, Ritsumeikan Univ, Shiga, Japan)

Keywords:retina, aPKCλ, Cre-loxP

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PW: Neuro2022
