Presentation information


[1P] F. Disorders of the Nervous System 1

Thu. Jun 30, 2022 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Poster Session Hall 1 (Exhibition Hall (Okinawa Convention Center))

[1P-091] Linear and nonlinear analysis of EEG of the Cdkl5 kinase-dead knock-in mice

*Takuto Ihara1, Yuki Sugaya2, Teruyuki Tanaka1 (1. Dept Developmental Med Sciences Grad Sch Med, Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 2. Dept Neurophysiology, Grad Sch Med, Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan)

Keywords:EEG, linear and nonlinear analysis, developmental disorder, CDKL5

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PW: Neuro2022
