Presentation information

Wakate Dojo

[1WD07e2] Wakate Dojo: Modeling, Hardware Implementation, and Applications

Thu. Jun 30, 2022 5:10 PM - 6:25 PM Room 7 (Conference Building A2 (Okinawa Convention Center))

Chair: AKIKO HAYASHI-TAKAGI (RIKEN Center for Brain Science)

[1WD07e2-05] Gait phase-based control of a robotic prosthesis for hip-disarticulation prosthesis using a simulation environment with deep reinforcement learning

*Toru Kurihara1, Yuki Ueyama2, Masanori Harada2 (1. Graduate School of Science and Engineering, National Defense Academy of Japan, 2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Defense Academy of Japan)

Keywords:deep learning, neural network, robotic prosthesis, gait simulation

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