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Late-Breaking Abstracts

[2LBA] Late-Breaking Abstracts

Fri. Jul 1, 2022 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Poster Session Hall 2 (Ginowan City Gymnasium)

[2LBA-025] Female VRK2-deficient zebrafish exhibit malbehavior via an alteration of the morphology of nerve dendrites.

*Ryohei Umeda1, Nobuyuki Shimizu2, Kazumasa Hada2, Hitoshi Teranishi1, Kenshiro Shikano1, Ryoko Higa1, Hirotaro Urushibata2, Hiroshi Shiraishi2, Toshikatsu Hanada2, Reiko Hanada1 (1. Dept Neurophysiol, Fac Med, Oita univ, Oita, Japan, 2. Dept Cell BIol, Fac Med, Oita univ, Oita, Japan )

Keywords:VRK2, zebrafish, aggression, GABA

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