Presentation information


[2P] B. Development, Regeneration and Plasticity

Fri. Jul 1, 2022 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Poster Session Hall 2 (Ginowan City Gymnasium)

[2P-130] Poststroke interaction between SVZ-derived NSPCs and regionally-induced iSCs within the ischemic area

*Akiko Nakano-Doi1,2, Hideaki Nishie1, Toshinori Sawano3, Takayuki Nakagomi1,2 (1. Hyogo College of Medicine, Hyogo, Jpan, 2. Department of Therapeutic Progress in Brain Diseases, Hyogo, Japan, 3. Department of Biomedical Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, Shiga, Japan)

Keywords:NSPCs, injury/ischemia-induced multipotent stem cells (iSCs)

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