Presentation information


[2P] C. Sensory and Motor Systems 1

Fri. Jul 1, 2022 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Poster Session Hall 1 (Exhibition Hall (Okinawa Convention Center))

[2P-258] Diversity in intracelluler Ca2+ dynamics induced by airflow stimulus in local non-spiking interneurons of crickets

*Shirahata Kota1, Hisashi Shidara2,3, Hiroto Ogawa2 (1. Biosystem Sci, Grad Sch Life Sci, Hokkaido Univ, Hokkaido, Japan, 2. Dept Bio Sci, Fac Sci, Hokkaido Univ, Hokkaido, Japan, 3. Dept Biochem, Grad Sch Med, Mie University, Mie, Japan)

Keywords:non-spiking neuron, insect, calcium imaging

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