Presentation information


[3O06a1] Neurogenesis and Gliogenesis / Synaptogenesis and Activity-Dependent Development

Sat. Jul 2, 2022 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Room 6 (Conference Building B3・4 (Okinawa Convention Center))

Chair: TAKAKI MIYATA (Nagoya University)

[3O06a1-01] AUTS2 is required for the production of upper-layer neurons in mouse cerebral cortex

*Kazumi Shimaoka1, Kei Hori1, Yukiko U Inoue1, Yasuhiro Go2, Manabu Abe3, Kenji Sakimura3, Takayoshi Inoue1, Mikio Hoshino1 (1. Dept. of Biochem. & Cell. Biol., NCNP, Tokyo, 2. Dept. of Brain Sci., Center of Novel Sci. Initiative, NIPS, Okazaki, Aichi, 3. Dept. of Cell. Neurobiol., BRI, Univ. of Niigata)

Keywords:Neurogenesis, Upper-layer neuron, intermediate progenitor

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