Presentation information


[3P] E. Molecular and Neuronal Bases of Behavior 2

Sat. Jul 2, 2022 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Poster Session Hall 2 (Ginowan City Gymnasium)

[3P-097] A thalamo-preoptic pathway promoting social touch

*David Keller1,2, Tamas Lang1, Melinda Cservenak2, Gina Puska2, Janos Barna1, Arpad Dobolyi1,2 (1. Dep of Anat, Semmelweis Uni, Budapest, Hungary, 2. Dep Phys and Neurobiol, Eötvös Loránd Research Network and Eötvös Loránd Uni, Budapest, Hungary)

Keywords:social behavior, posterior thalamus, preoptic area of hypothalamus, chemogenetics

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