Presentation information


[3P] E. Molecular and Neuronal Bases of Behavior 2

Sat. Jul 2, 2022 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Poster Session Hall 2 (Ginowan City Gymnasium)

[3P-113] Neural mechanisms underlying social memory impairment and enhanced vicarious fear in autism-associated shank3 mutant mice

*Myung Chung1,2, Imanaka Katsutoshi1,2, Ziyan Huang1,2, Akiyuki Watarai1, Mu-yun Wang1, Kentaro Tao1, Teruhiro Okuyama1 (1. IQB, Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 2. Grad Sch Med, Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan )

Keywords:Social behavior, Autism spectrum disorder, Social memory, Observational fear

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