Presentation information


[4O07m1] Audition / Vision

Sun. Jul 3, 2022 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Room 7 (Conference Building A2 (Okinawa Convention Center))

Chair: Masato Fujioka

[4O07m1-03] A parallel channel of state-dependent sensory signaling from the cholinergic basal forebrain to the auditory cortex

*Fangchen Zhu1, Sarah Elnozahy2, Jennifer Lawlor1, Kishore Kuchibhotla1,3 (1. Dept Psych and Brain Sci, Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2. Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, London, UK, 3. Dept of Neuro, Johns Hopkins Sch of Med, Baltimore, Maryland, USA)

Keywords:Cholinergic signaling, Neuromodulation, Two-photon imaging, Sensory system

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