

Neuroscience Frontier Symposium

[NFS-02] Neuroscience Frontier Symposium 02

2023年6月1日(木) 15:35 〜 17:35 第01会場 (幕張メッセ国際会議場 2F コンベンションホール)

座長:岡野 栄之(慶應義塾大学医学部生理学教室),横田 隆徳(東京医科歯科大学大学院医歯学総合研究科脳神経病態学分野)

[NFS-02-5] 神経疾患を標的にしたDNA/RNA2本鎖ヘテロ核酸の開発

横田 隆徳 (東京医科歯科大学大学院 脳神経病態学分野)

Dr. Yokota graduated from Tokyo Medical and Dental University in 1984, and and studied as a research fellow in Bredesen's lab in Burham Institute and Buck Center for Aging Research (CA, USA) in 1999-2000. He accepted a position as Professor in 2010, and Chairman of Department Neurology and Neurological Science, Tokyo Medical and Dental University. He has been a president of Nucleic Acid Therapeutic Society of Japan since 2018 and BOD member of Oligonucleotide Therapeutic Society (OTS) since 2016. He also started “RENA Therapeutics” and ‘Braizon Therapeuttics’. His group has developed DNA/RNA oligonucleotide (HDO) as a third class of oligonucleotide drug which is highly potent and can regulate extra-hepatic organs including CNS through BBB by systemic administration.

