[PrL-01] For a brilliant future of therapeutic neurology
1999年4月Price of Wales神経科学研究所(Sydney:David Burke教授)
2008年11月現職 (現在に至る)
・日本神経学会(前理事)、日本神経治療学会(理事長)、日本神経免疫学会(理事)、日本末梢神経学会(理事)、Peripheral Nerve Society(前理事)
・CIDP/MMN診療ガイドライン作成委員長、EAN/PNS CIDPガイドライン作成委員
・Deputy Editor、J Neurology Neurosurgery Psychiatry (2009年~2022年)
・Chief reviewer, Treatment for POEMS syndrome. Cochrane-Database Systematic Review(2008~)
Professor Kuwabara is the Chair of Neurology at Chiba University Hospital (since 2008). He is a clinical neurologist, Deputy Editor of the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry (2010-2022), and Chief Reviewer of Cochrane Database Systematic Review; “Treatment for POEMS syndrome” (since 2008). He graduated from Chiba university in 1984 (MD), and studied clinical neurophysiology under Prof. David Burke at University of new South Wales (1999-2000). He has extensively studied clinical neurophysiology and neuroimmunology through the pathophysiology and treatment of CNS inflammatory (MS/NMOSD) and neuromuscular (Guillain-Barre syndrome, CIDP, and POEMS syndrome) diseases. He has published 648 papers in international peer reviewed articles. h-index=88
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