


[S-01] シンポジウム01

2023年5月31日(水) 09:50 〜 11:50 第03会場 (幕張メッセ国際会議場 2F 201)

座長:井上 雄一(東京医科大学睡眠学講座),立花 直子(関西電力病院睡眠関連疾患センター)

[S-01-5] ガバペンチンエナカルビルのレストレスレッグス症候群治療における反応性の解析

井上 雄一1,2 (1.東京医科大学 睡眠学講座, 2.睡眠総合ケアクリニック代々木)

Professor, Department of Somnology, Tokyo Medical University
President, Yoyogi Sleep Disorder Center

He got a doctor of medicine degree in graduate school of Tottori University in 1986.
He became a Professor of the Department of Psychiatry at Tokyo Medical University in 2007. He also assumed the position of Director of Japan Somnology Center and Professor of Department of Somnology at Tokyo Medical University in 2008. He became President of Yoyogi Sleep Disorder Center in 2011.

He now is the Board Directors of The Japanese Society of Sleep Research, Japanese Society for Chronobiology, Secretary general of Asian Sleep Research Society and chair of World Sleep Society Nominating Committee. Main target of his research is clinical sleep medicine including researches on insomnia, RBD, movement disorders and hypersomnia.

