Session information

Late-Breaking Abstracts

E. Molecular and Neuronal Bases of Behavior

[1P] 50 Emotion

Wed. Jul 24, 2024 12:50 PM - 1:50 PM Poster Room (Marine Messe Fukuoka Hall B)

*Kohei Ota1, Hirotaka Nagai1, Wenran Qiu1, Io Horikawa1, Midori Nagai1, Chisato Numa1, Shuichi Shimma2,3, Tomomi Yamashita4, Taro Kato4, Tomoyuki Furuyashiki1 (1. Div Pharmacol, Grad Sch Med, Kobe Univ, 2. Dept Biotechnol, Grad Sch Engineering, Osaka Univ, 3. Omics Innovation Res Lab, Osaka Univ Shimadzu, 4. Pharmacol Res Unit, Sumitomo Pharma)




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