Session information


F. Basic and Clinical Science of Mental Disorders

[1P] 68 Neuropsychopharmacology

Wed. Jul 24, 2024 1:50 PM - 2:50 PM Poster Room (Marine Messe Fukuoka Hall B)

*Mizuki Yamamoto1, Kazuko Hayashi1, Masashi Kanayama2, Kasahara Haruki1, Shuntaro Matsushima1, Hiroto Inoue1, Yuuta Tamai4,3, Koji Toda1 (1. Department of Psychology, Keio University, Tokyo, JAPAN, 2. Department of Biodefense Research, Medical Research Institute, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan., 3. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 4. Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Hearing Research Centre, University of Tübingen Medical Center)

*Nobue Kitanaka1,2, Kotoko Amagata1, Chiaki Morita1, Riko Niki1, Takahiro Hamana2, Kentaro Matsuda2, Masanori Nakai2, Sho Yuze2, Kazuo Tomita3, Kento Igarashi3, Tomoaki Sato3, Junichi Kitanaka2 (1. Dept Pharmacol, Sch Med, Hyogo Med Univ, 2. Lab Drug Addict & Exp Ther, Sch Pharm, Hyogo Med Univ, 3. Dept Appl Pharmaciol, Grad Sch Med & Dent Sci, Kagoshima Univ)



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