Session information


A. Molecular and Cellular Biology

[2P] 14 Neural Networks

Thu. Jul 25, 2024 12:50 PM - 1:50 PM Poster Room (Marine Messe Fukuoka Hall B)

*Yoshiko Honda1,2, Keiko Moriya-Ito2, Tetsuya Shimokawa3, Yasushi Kobayashi4 (1. Dept Anat &Neurobiol, Sch Med, Tokyo Women's Med Univ., 2. Dept Brain & Neurosci, Tokyo Metropol Inst Med Sci., 3. Div Anat & Histol, Dept Dev Biol & Functional Genomics, Grad Sch Med, Ehime Univ., 4. Dept Anat & Neurobiol, National Defense Med Col.)



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