Presentation information


[1O09e] Gene/Protein regulation

Wed. Jul 24, 2024 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Room 9 (402+403)

Chairperson: Yuki Fujita (Graduate School of Medical Research, Shimane University), Taro Saito (Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University)

[1O09e-04] Mitochondrial distribution regulates proteostasis via eIF2β

*Kanako Shinno1,2, Yuri Miura3, Emiko Suzuki1,4,5, Kanae Ando1,6 (1. Grad Sch of Sci, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ, 2. RIEM, Nagoya Univ, 3. TMIG , 4. NIG, 5. Sch of Life Sci, SOKENDAI, 6. Sch of Sci, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ)

Keywords:mitochondria, autophagy, eIF2, neurodegeneration

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