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G. Basic and Clinical Science of Neurological Disorders

[1P] 70 Neurodegenerative Disorders

Wed. Jul 24, 2024 12:50 PM - 1:50 PM Poster Room (Marine Messe Fukuoka Hall B)

[1P-335] Roles of the C-terminal region in the aggregate formation of ALS-causing protein SOD1

*Kyoka Yano1, Yoshiyuki Asai1, Daisaku Yoshihara1, Hironobu Eguchi1, Haruhiko Sakiyama1, Noriko Fujiwara1 (1. Dept Biochem, Sch Med, Hyogo Med Univ, Hyogo, Japan)

Keywords:Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD1), Neurodegenerative diseases (ND), protein aggregation

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