*Nozomu Yoshioka1, Masayuki Kurose2, Hiromi Sano3,4, Tran M Dang1, Satomi Chiken3,4, Kazuki Tainaka5, Kensuke Yamamura6, Kenta Kobayashi7, Atsushi Nambu3,4, Hirohide Takebayashi1
(1. Div of Neurobiol and Anat, Grad Sch of Med and Dent Sci, Niigata Univ, 2. Dep of Physiol, Sch of Dent, Iwate Med Univ, 3. Div of System Neurophysiol, Nat Inst for Physiol Sci, 4. Div of Behav Neuropharmacol, Int Cent for Brain Sci, Fujita Health Univ, 5. Dep of Syst Pathol for Neurol Dis, Brain Res Inst, Niigata Univ, 6. Div of Oral Physiol, Grad Sch of Med and Dent Sci, Niigata Univ, 7. Section of Viral Vector Devel, Nat Inst for Physiol Sci)
Keywords:Sensory motor circuit, Dystonin, Hereditary neuropathy, Gene-trap mice
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