

[1S10a] 多様な細胞の発生研究が可能にする神経病態解明

2024年7月24日(水) 14:50 〜 16:50 第10会場 (405+406)

オーガナイザー:本間 耕平(神戸アイセンター病院・研究センター)、高田 望(Simpson Querrey Institute, Northwestern University)

[1S10a-01] 神経網膜の形づくりを支える発生代謝

*高田 望1、Jason M Miska2、Marc A Morgan3、Priyam Patel4、Leah K Billingham2、Neha Joshi4、Matthew J Schipma4、Zachary J Dumar3、Nikita R Joshi5、Alexander V Misharin5、Ryan B Embry4、Luciano Fiore1、Peng Gao6、Lauren P Diebold5、Gregory S McElroy5、Ali Shilatifard3、Navdeep S Chandel5、Guillermo Oliver1 (1. Simpson Querrey Institute, Northwestern University, 2. Department of Neurological Surgery, Northwestern University, 3. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, Northwestern University, 4. Center for Genetic Medicine, Northwestern University, 5. Department of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Northwestern University, 6. Robert H. Lurie Cancer Center Metabolomics Core, Northwestern University)

キーワード:Developmental Metabolism, Metabolites, Organoids, Neural Retina

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