Presentation information


[1S10m] Interplay of Periphery and Central Systems: Unveiling the Neural Basis of Higher-Order Behavior

Wed. Jul 24, 2024 8:45 AM - 10:45 AM Room 10 (405+406)

Organizer: Tomoe Ishikawa (The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, Department of brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Shoi Shi (International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (WPI-IIIS), University of Tsukuba)

[1S10m-01] Induction of a torpor-like hypothermic and hypometabolic state by ultrasound

*Yaoheng Yang Yang1, Jinyun Yuan1, Rachael L Field 2, Dezhuang Ye1, Zhongtao Hu1, Yan Gong1, Kevin Xu1, Yimei Yue1, Lu Xu1, Alexxai Kravitz2, Michael R Bruchas3, Jianmin Cui1, Jonathan R Brestoff2, Hong Chen1,2 (1. Washington University in st louis, 2. Washington University School of Medicine , 3. University of Washington)

Keywords:Torpor, Synthetic torpor, Ultrasound, TRPM2

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