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C. Sensory and Motor Systems

[2P] 31 Multisensory Integration

Thu. Jul 25, 2024 1:50 PM - 2:50 PM Poster Room (Marine Messe Fukuoka Hall B)

[2P-118] Neural correlates of sound symbolic relationship between Japanese syllable and impression of size, sharpness and hardness

*Suzuka Narukawa1,2, Shota A Murai3,4, Yudai Imai4, Tomomi Watanabe4, Tetsuya Yamamoto1, Ayumi Yoshioka1,5, Kohta I Kobayasi4, Masaki Fukunaga1,2 (1. Sec Brain Func Info, NIPS, Aichi, Japan, 2. Dep Physiol Sci, SOKENDAI, Kanagawa, Japan, 3. WPI-IRCN, UTokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 4. Fac Life & Med Sci, Doshisha Univ, Kyoto, Japan, 5. Res Org of Sci & Tech, Ritsumeikan univ, Kyoto, Japan)

Keywords:fMRI, crossmodal correspondence, sound symbolism

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