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Late-Breaking Abstracts

H. Methodology・Others

[2P] 81 Imaging and Visualization

Thu. Jul 25, 2024 1:50 PM - 2:50 PM Poster Room (Marine Messe Fukuoka Hall B)

[2P-488] Development of a curcumin-based MRI probe for detection
and inhibition of amyloid β fibril growth

*Satoshi Okada1,2, Rohmad Yudi Utomo2, Akira Sumiyoshi3, Ichio Aoki3, Hiroyuki Nakamura1,2 (1. IIR, Tokyo Tech, Yokohama, Japan, 2. Sch Life Sci Tech, Tokyo Tech, Yokohama, Japan, 3. QST, Chiba, Japan)

Keywords:MRI probe, Amyloid β, Curcumin, Structure activity relationship

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