

[2S08m] FAONS Symposium
Unlocking Hope : Viral vector-mediated gene therapy for neurological disorders-A promising frontier in therapeutic advancements and future prospects

2024年7月25日(木) 08:45 〜 10:45 第8会場 (413+414)

オーガナイザー:Pike-See Cheah(University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia)

[2S08m-01] Development and delivery of candidate genome editing therapies for eye and brain diseases

*Paul Thomas1,2, Ashleigh Geiger1,2, Stefka Tasheva1,2, Lachlan Staker1,2, Jesse Kennedy1,2, Michaela Scherer1,2, Sandra Piltz1,2, Fatwa Adikusuma1,2 (1. University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia, 2. South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute, Adelaide, Australia)

キーワード:genome editing, AAV delivery, genetic blindness , PCDH19 epilepsy

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