*Hiroki Hoshino1,2,3, Sano Fumikazu1,2,4, Shigetomi Eiji1,2, Takeuchi Hideyuki5,6,7, Kanemura Hideaki3, Koizumi Schuichi1,2
(1. Dept Neuropharmacol, Interdiscip Grad Sch Med, Univ of Yamanashi, Yamanashi, Japan, 2. Yamanashi GLIA Center, Yamanashi, Japan, 3. Dept Pediatr, Fac Med, Univ of Toho, Tokyo, Japan, 4. Dept Pediatr, Fac Med, Univ of Yamanashi, Yamanashi, Japan, 5. Dept Neuro and Stroke Med, Grad Sch Med, Univ of Yokohama Chity, Kanagawa, Japan, 6. Dept Neuro, Fac Med, Int Univ of Health and Walfare, Tochigi, Japan, 7. Center of Intractable Neurology Disease and Dementia, Int Univ of Health and Welfare Atami Hospital)
Keywords:microglia, astrocyte, connexin, epilepsy
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