Presentation information

Educational Lectures

[3EL04] Translational medicine of synaptic physiology
Presenter: Takuya Takahashi (Grad Sch Med, Yokohama City Univ, Yokohama, Japan)

Fri. Jul 26, 2024 7:50 AM - 8:40 AM Room 4 (202)

Chair: Takashi Shichita (Department of Neuroinflammation and Repair, Tokyo Medical and Dental University)

[3EL04] シナプス生理学のtranslational medicine

*Takuya Takahashi1 (1. Grad Sch Med, Yokohama City Univ, Yokohama, Japan)

Keywords:Edonerpic maleate, Synapse plasticity, AMPA receptor, PET

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