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Late-Breaking Abstracts

H. Methodology・Others

[3P] 86 Others

Fri. Jul 26, 2024 12:50 PM - 1:50 PM Poster Room (Marine Messe Fukuoka Hall B)

[3P-495] Comparative analysis of transgene expression using nine AAV capsids in the cerebral cortex of the common marmoset

*Yasunori Matsuzaki1,2, Yuuki FukaiFukai1, Ayumu Konno1,2, Hirokazu Hirai1,2 (1. Grad Sch Med, Gunma Univ, Gunma, Japan, 2. Viral Vector Core, Init Adv Res, Gunma Univ, Gunma, Japan)

Keywords:adeno-associated viral vector, AAV serotype, common marmoset, non-human primate, NHP, CBh, CMV, CAG, hGFAP and mMBP promoters, fluorescent protein, FP, EGFP

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