Presentation information


A. Molecular and Cellular Biology

[3P] 15 Others

Fri. Jul 26, 2024 12:50 PM - 1:50 PM Poster Room (Marine Messe Fukuoka Hall B)

[3P-053] Rab39B, associated with familial Parkinson's disease, is transiently activated just prior to lysosome-lysosome fusion in Neuro2A cells

*Takeshi Nakamura1, Ena Furusawa1, Shingo Koinuma1, Misa Miyaji1, Naoyuki Wada2, Mitsunori Fukuda3 (1. Res Inst Biomed Sci, Tokyo Univ of Sci, Chiba, Japan, 2. Dep Applied Biol Sci, Fac Sci and Tech, Tokyo Univ Sci, Chiba, Japan, 3. Dep Integ Life Sci, Grad Sch Life Sci, Tohoku Univ, Miyagi, Japan)

Keywords:intracellular transport, Rab, lysosome

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