*Okiru Komine1, Akira Sobue1, Yuichiro Hara2, Tomohiro Akashi3,4, Shimada Mayuko2, Kunihiko Hinohara3,5,6, Tomoo Ogi2, Takashi Saito1,7, Takaomi Saido8, Koji Yamanaka1
(1. Dept Neurosci & Pathobiol, Res Inst of Env Med, Nagoya Univ, 2. Dept Genetics, Res Inst of Env Med, Nagoya Univ, 3. Cent for 5D Cell Dynam, Nagoya Univ, 4. Cent for Neurol Dis & Cancer, Nagoya Univ Grad Sch of Med, 5. Dept of Immunl, Nagoya Univ Grad Sch of Med, 6. Inst for Adv Res, Nagoya Univ, 7. Dept of Neurocogn Sci, Inst of Brain Sci, Nagoya City Univ Grad Sch of Med Sci, 8. Lab for Proteol Neurosci, RIKEN Cent for Brain Sci)
Keywords:Alzheimer's disease, Disease-associated microglia, Peripheral immune system
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