Presentation information


C. Sensory and Motor Systems

[3P] 38 Voluntary Movements

Fri. Jul 26, 2024 12:50 PM - 1:50 PM Poster Room (Marine Messe Fukuoka Hall B)

[3P-127] Neurofencing - Evaluating the benefits of warmup in competitive fencing through EMG, EEG and EKG

*Supriya Nair1,2,3, David Putrino4,5, Mackenzie Doerstling4, J Wood4, A Sawyer4, B W Hamilton4, Mariam Zachary6,5 (1. Stanford OHS, 2. Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 3. American Society of Biomechanics (ASB), 4. Abilities Res. Ctr. Mount Sinai, NY, 5. Icahn School of Medicine, NY, 6. USA Fencing)

Keywords:Neurofencing, EMG, EKG, EEG

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