Presentation information


[3S02a] The brain lymphatic system as a new therapeutic target for brain diseases

Fri. Jul 26, 2024 2:50 PM - 4:50 PM Room 2 (501)

Organizer: Hiroyuki Konishi (Department of Functional Anatomy and Neuroscience, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine), Kaoru Yamada (Department of Neuropathology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)

[3S02a-02] Unraveling the Dynamic Interplay between Alzheimer's Disease and the Glymphatic System

*Kaoru Yamada1, Risa Nishiyama1, Hironaka Igarashi2, Takeshi Iwatsubo1,3 (1. Department of Neuropathology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, 2. Center for Integrated Human Brain Science, Brain Research Institute, University of Niigata, 3. National Institute of Neuroscience, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry,)

Keywords:Alzheimer's disease, Glymphatic system, Tau, Aβ

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