63rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Neurology

Presentation information

Luncheon Seminar

[LS-19] Luncheon Seminar 19 Trajectory towards the disease-modifying therapies of Alzheimer's disease: Potentialities of biomarkers.

Thu. May 19, 2022 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Room8 (Tokyo International Forum D Block 5F Hall D5)

山田 正仁(国家公務員共済組合連合会 九段坂病院 院長/東京医科歯科大学 特命教授/金沢大学 名誉教授)

Sponsored by: FUJIREBIO INC.

[LS-19-1] Trajectory towards the disease-modifying therapies of Alzheimer's disease: Potentialities of biomarkers.

Takeshi Iwatsubo (Professor, Department of Neuropathology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)