63rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Neurology

Presentation information

Oral Session

[O-07] Oral Session 07

Wed. May 18, 2022 3:35 PM - 5:05 PM Room11 (Tokyo International Forum G Block 7F G701)

Chair:Yaeko Ichikawa(Department of Neurology, Kyorin University School of Medicine), Motoharu Kawai(Neuromuscular Center Yoshimizu Hospital)

[O-07-5] Local administration of ASO prevents the propagation of abnormal α-synuclein pathology in mice

Tatsuhiko Sano1,2, Tetsuya Nagata1,2, Satoe Ebihara1,2, Kie Yoshida-tanaka1,2, Hideki Mochizuki3, Masato Hasegawa4, Takanori Yokota1,2 (1.Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Japan, 2.Center for Brain Integration Research (CBIR), Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU), Japan, 3.Department of Neurology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, 4.Department of Neuropathology and Cell Biology, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science)

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