63rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Neurology

Presentation information

Oral Session

[O-23] Oral Session 23

Thu. May 19, 2022 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM Room14 (Tokyo International Forum G Block 5F G510)

Chair:Misa Nakano(Suita Municipal Hospital Department of Neurology)

[O-23-3] The effect of interictal epileptic discharges on motor sequence learning in epilepsy patients

Toshiki Okadome1, Taira Uehara2, Takahiro Yamaguchi1, Takahiko Mukaino1, Hiroshi Shigeto3, Noriko Isobe1 (1.Department of Neurology, Neurological Institute, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kyushu University, Japan, 2.Department of Neurology, International University of Health and Welfare, Narita Hospital, Narita, Japan, 3.Division of Medical Technology, Department of Health Science, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan)

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