*Stephan Lammel1 (1. UC Berkeley)
Session information
[3S04a] Neural circuits for motivated and conflict behavior: from anatomy to behavior and modeling
Fri. Jul 31, 2020 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Room 4
Organizer: Masaaki Ogawa (Medical Innovation Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University), Ken-ichi Amemori (Hakubi Center for Advanced Studies, Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University)
Support contributed by MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas "Creation and Promotion of WILLDYNAMICS"
*Videos are available throughout the meeting period.
*MASAAKI OGAWA1 (1. Medical Innovation Center, Grad Sch of Medicine, Kyoto Univ, Kyoto, Japan)
* FUYUKI KARUBE1,2, Fumino Fujiyama1,2, (1. Doshisha University, 2. Laboratory of Histology and Cytology, Faculty of Medicine and Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido University)
*Ken-ichi Amemori1 (1. Hakubi Ctr for Adv Study, Primate Res Inst, Kyoto University, Aichi, Japan)
*Michael J. Frank1 (1. Brown University)