The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society

Session information


[3S06a] Hierarchy and dynamicity of information processing in the prefrontal cortex

Fri. Jul 31, 2020 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Room 6

Organizer: Kei Watanabe (Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University)

*Videos are available throughout the meeting period.

*AKIYA WATAKABE1, Henrik Skibbe2, Ken Nakae3, Jian Wang1, Masafumi Takaji1, Hiroaki Mizukami4, Alexander Woodward5, Rui Gong5, Junichi Hata6, Hideyuki Okano6, Shin Ishii3, Tetsuo Yamamorit1 (1. Lab. for Mol. Analysis of Higher Brain Function, RIKEN CBS, 2. Brain Image Analysis unit, RIKEN CBS, 3. Dept. Systems Science, Univ of Kyoto, Kyoto, 4. Ctr Mol. Medicine, Jichi Medical Univ., 5. Connectome Analysis unit, RIKEN CBS, 6. Lab. for Marmoset Neural Architecture, RIKEN CBS)




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